The team has a multidisciplinary expertise in: mathematics, physics, electronics and electro-technical. The team is composed of 5 PhD, 2 PhD students, 2 physicists and 1 engineer.

Dr. Raluca Muller, senior research I, MSc and PhD in Electronics
Dr. Rodica Plugaru, senior research I, MSc and PhD in Physics
Dr. Neculai Plugaru – senior researcher I, PhD in Physics
Dr. Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, senior researcher I, MSc in Mathematics and PhD in Electronics
Dr. Gabriel Moagar-Poladian, senior researcher II, MSc and PhD in Physics
Dr. Rodica-Cristina Voicu, senior researcher II, MSc and PhD in Mathematics
Dr. Mihai Gologanu – senior researcher III, mathematician, PhD in mathematics-mechanics
Eng. Phys. Victor Moagar-Poladian, technological development Eng. III
Phys. Constantin Tibeica, senior researcher
Phys. Dumitru Manica- assistant researcher, PhD student in physics

Laboratory Head Dr. Raluca Müller (

Dr. Raluca Műller – has a MSc (1978) and a PhD degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from “Politechnica” University of Bucharest. Starting with 2003 she is the Head of Simulation, Modelling and CAD Laboratory. She has experience in micro-nanoelectronic area as well as in micro- nanofabrication including optical and MEMS/MOEMS microsensors design and manufacturing.

R. Muller coordinated and important number of national research projects and networks and  was  partner and scientist  in charge from IMT of several FP6 projects (Marie Curie  Trainning Network ASSEMIC,   CA – IPMMAN,  Leonardo da Vinci- Microteaching) and involved in the team of other 2 FP6,  1 FP7 and 1 H2020 projects.   She coordonated a Stuctural funded project  Type POC-G (2016-2021) for "Partnership in the exploitation of Essential Generic Technologies (TGE) using a PLATform of interaction with competitive enterprises" (TGE-PLAT)" main focus: the partnership for knowledge transfer in the field defined by the intelligent specialization priority "Information and communication technologies, space and security".
R. Müller was involved in teaching activities as associated professor at Univesity Valahia  of Tragoviste (1998-2003) and for master courses related to intelligent sensors at “Politehnica” University of  Bucharest (2011-2021). She is author and co-author of  moe tha 150 papers in journal or presented at conferences and coauthor of  two patents.
In the  period  2003-2009 she was Head of Information Technology Department/ respectively  Head of Scientific Services Department. She was  Sientific Director  2009 – March 2022) and served as  General Director  of IMT – Bucharest for the period June 2011- January 2017.

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Dr. Rodica Plugaru, Senior research scientist, CS I (

PhD in Solid State Physics from Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, (1997), post doctoral research at Complutense University, Spain (2001-2003), visiting professor at Ecole Politechnique Federale de Laussane-EPFL, Switzerland (2005-2006) and at Kyoto University-Institute of Advanced Energy, Japan (2000, 2008, 2012).

Research activity in the field of materials physics; thin films and nanostructures, physical properties and processing routes for electronic devices applications. • Study of luminescence emission of porous, polycrystalline and nanocrystalline semiconductor materials. • Micro-nanophysical characterization, optical and electrical properties of semiconductor oxides. • Simulation and modeling of the electronic structure of materials by computational methods.
• She coordinated 19 national and international projects in the area of physical properties and light emission phenomena of semiconductors, had presentations at more 35 international conferences and invited talks in various Universities from EU and Japan. 
• Experimental Laboratory for Electronic and spectroscopic characterization of semiconductors, nanomaterials, nanostructures and nanodevices in the fA and NIR wavelength range, is operating in the characterization area of MINAFAB (
Semiconductor Characterization System with Manual Probe Station (4200 SCS/C/Keithley, P6/Suss MicroTeh) equipped with a Fiber Optic Spectrometer AvaSpec-256-NIR2.2.

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Dr. Gabriel Moagar-Poladian, senior researcher (

Dr. Gabriel Moagar-Poladian obtained MSc in 1990 and PhD in 1999 from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. He is the co-founder and coordinator of the integrated laboratory for advanced technologies for micro- and nanosystems, an experimental laboratory that now runs within L5 ( 

His main research interests are novel methods of nanolithography, rapid prototyping especially for micro- and nanoscale, optical computing, microsystems and microsensors.

He has / is coordinating 10 national projects (among other results: novel concepts, experimental models tested, certified prototypes, patents, published papers, original software developed), has / is participating in 15 national projects and is responsible in one european project.

He has 22 published papers and conference presentations, 17 patents and patent applications. He received several awards and international prizes for some of his inventions.

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Dr. Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, senior researcher (

Dr. Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, Senior Researcher CS I, obtained BSc and MSc from the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest and PhD in Electronic Engineering from Politehnica University of Bucharest. She works as scientific researcher in Simulation, Modelling and Computer Aided Design Laboratory, IMT-Bucharest. Scientific interests in Nanotechnology, Applied mathematics, Microfluidics, MEMS/NEMS, Biomedical applications, Material study.

Expertise in Design, modelling and FEM based simulation of MEMS/NEMS and microfluidic systems, Multiphysics modelling, Nanocomposite materials design and modelling, Microfabrication processes for electro-fluidic microsystems, MEMS and microfluidic systems characterization and electric testing techniques. Applications: Lab-on-chips, sensors and actuators for biomedical applications; Nanocomposites: safe nano-enabled materials for packaging, textile, agriculture, cosmetics, pharma, food, electronics. Other: Coordinator of national research projects; Partner Leader (IMT) for European projects; Teaching and training in the field for undergraduate students, young researchers, PhD students, PostDocs; Coordination of BSc and Master Thesis; Consultancy for PhD thesis.

Current projects:

  • Partner Leader (IMT): Open Innovation Test Bed for Developing Safe Nano-Enabled Bio-Based Materials and Polymer Bionanocomposites for Multifunctional and New Advanced Applications BIONANOPOLYS, Horizon 2020, Call: H2020- Materiale functionale avansate si tehnologii pentru dezvoltarea de noi dispozitive senzoriale si electronice NMBP-TO-IND-2020-two stage,, 2021–2024
  • WP Leader: Development of novel nanocomposite materials with tunable conductivity for electromagnetic shielding and potential uses in electronics and optoelectronics applications, WP3 - Theoretical aspects. Investigation of the frequency dependence of the performance of the materials PNRR C9-I8, 2023-2026
  • Coordinator: Advanced functional materials and technologies for the development of new sensors and electronic devices, in the frame of the Core Programme Advanced research in micro-nano-electronic, photonic devices, sensors and microsystems for societal applications - µNanoEl, 2023-2026
  • Team member: Computational design and engineering of functional ferroic interfaces COMPFER, PN-III-P4-ID-PCE2020, 2021-2023
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Phys. Constantin Tibeica, senior researcher (

Constantin Tibeica received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics from the University of Bucharest, in 1998 and 2000, respectively.

His professional skills and competences cover the field of modelling and FEM-based simulation of MEMS, and their analysis at physical system level.

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Eng. Phys. Victor Moagar-Poladian (

Ing. Phys. Victor Moagar-Poladian  obtained MSc in 1994 from the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. He is the co-founder of the integrated laboratory for advanced technologies for micro- and nanosystems, an experimental laboratory that now runs within L5.

His main activities include:
- Modeling and simulation of various devices and phenomena (finite element method and ANSYS, especially, but also ABAQUS and MARC-MENTAT) involving coupled physics domain.
- Rapid prototyping technology (by photo-polymerization and selective laser sintering ) and mechanical metamaterials (auxetic and negative stiffness structures)

He was project director of 4 national funded projects: ELCUAL (, MICROWELD (, ECOMAF (, INTERMAT(

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Dr. Rodica-Cristina Voicu, senior researcher III (

Rodica-Cristina Voicu received the M.Sc (2006) in Geometry, Topology and Computational Algebra from Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty, University of Bucharest, Romania and she defended her PhD thesis in Mathematics in 2011 at the same University.

Currently her main scientific interests include: finite element method, design, modelling and simulations of MEMS (cantilevers, microgrippers, optical fibers, embossing process, etc) and microfluidic devices, mathematical modeling and optimization analysis/algorithms.

She was involved in national (MEMSAS ( ), MAC ( and international projects (PATENT-DfMM NoE-FP6, FlexPAET FP7 ( ), Leonardo da Vinci Projects) and she is author of several scientific papers.

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Dr. Neculai Plugaru – senior researcher I, PhD in Physics(

Neculai Plugaru received his Ph.D. in 1995 for studies on the magnetic structure - crystal structure relationship in 4f-3d compounds, under the direction of Prof. E. Burzo, at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. Between 09.1999 - 09.2004 he was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (I.C.M.A), C.S.I.C„ Zaragoza, Spain. Then, N. Plugaru held the position of Professor at Centro Politécnico Superior (CPS), Universidad de Zaragoza, until 09.2009, where he taught the course Electromagnetic fields and waves.

Current research interests
Since early 2000s to date, N. Plugaru has focused on the simulation and modeling material properties from first principles electronic structure, using Density Functional Theory methods. Three main research directions may be outlined, as follows: i) Design and engineering of functional ferroelectric/magnetoelectric interfaces for quantum tunneling junctions; ii) Engineering of defects and doping in (transparent) conducting oxides, from bulk to ultrathin layers, to pursue p-type conduction, dilute ferromagnetism, efficient carriers transport; iii) Design of heterostructures based on hybrid halide perovskites for ferroelectric solar cells. Study of structural phase transitions in inorganic halide perovskites in the search for new ferroelectrics and stable light absorbing material.

Former research activity
Using macroscopic characterization techniques, Fe-57 Mössbauer spectroscopy, neutron diffraction, as well as XMCD and XAS synchrotron techniques, N. Plugaru brought contributions to the description of complex magnetic phenomena in 4f-3d electron systems, such as: i) Weak and strong ferromagnetism, competing exchange and effects on magnetic ordering temperature; ii) Interplay between exchange and magnetocrystalline anisotropy, effects on magnetic structures and magnetic phase diagrams; iii) Effects of chemical, substitutional and/or lattice disorder on the electronic charge and spin densities; iv) Local spin and orbital moments, effect of orbital hybridizations on exchange coupling.

N. Plugaru has published 66 articles indexed in the Web of Science, and is a Reviewer for AIP and Elsevier journals. In 1990, he received the Prize for Physics Constantin Miculescu, of the Romanian Academy of Sciences (in collaboration).

Recent publications
"New phase transitions driven by soft phonon modes in CsPbBr3: a DFT study"
Raouia ben Sadok, Dalila Hammoutene and Neculai Plugaru, Physica Status Solidi B, accepted.
"Evolution of microstructure and photoluminescence of ZnO thin films irradiated with 3 MeV alpha particles", R. Plugaru. I. Gruia, R. Gavrila, C. Romanitan, I. Mihalache, A. Istrate and N. Plugaru,    Surfaces and Interfaces, 20, 100574  (2020).
"Effect of chemical nature of atoms on the electronic, dielectric and dynamical properties of ABX3 halide perovskites", Raouia Ben Sadok, Neculai Plugaru, Anca Birsan, Victor Kuncser, and Dalila Hammoutène, Int. J. Quantum Chem., 120, e26172 (2020).
"Designing functional ferroelectric interfaces from first-principles: Dipoles and band bending at oxide heterojunctions", D. Rusu, L. Filip, L. Pintilie, K. T. Butler and N. Plugaru, New J. Phys. 21, 113005 (2019).
"Polarization branches and optimization calculation strategy applied to ABO3 ferroelectrics", L. D. Filip, N. Plugaru and L. Pintilie, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,  27, 045008 (2019).
"Atomistic Simulations of Methylammonium Lead Halide Layers on PbTiO3 (001) Surfaces", N. Plugaru, G. A. Nemnes, L. Filip, I. Pintilie, L. Pintilie, K. T. Butler, and A. Manolescu, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, pp. 9096-9109 (2017).
­"Assessment of structural, optical and conduction properties of ZnO thin films in the presence of acceptor impurities", R. Plugaru and N. Plugaru, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 224008 (2016).
"Iodine Migration and Degradation of Perovskite Solar Cells Enhanced by Metallic Electrodes", C. Besleaga, L. Abramiuc,  V. Stancu, A. Tomulescu, M. Sima, L. Trinca, N. Plugaru, L. Pintilie, G. Nemnes, M. Iliescu, H. Svavarsson, A. Manolescu, I. Pintilie, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 5168–5175 (2016).
"Band alignment and charge transfer in rutile-TiO2/CH3NH3PbI(3-x)Clx interfaces", G. A. Nemnes, C. Goehry, T. L. Mitran, Adela Nicolaev, L. Ion, S. Antohe, N. Plugaru and A. Manolescu, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 17, 30417 (2015).
"First principles calculations, neutron, and x-ray diffraction investigation of Y3Ni13B2, Y3Co13B2, and Y3Ni10Co3B2", N. Plugaru, M. Valeanu, R. Plugaru, and J. Campo, J. Appl. Phys., 115,  023907 (2014).
"First principles study and variable range hopping conductivity in disordered Al/Ti/Mn -doped ZnO", R. Plugaru, T. Sandu and N. Plugaru, Results in Physics 2, 190-197 (2012)

Phys. Dumitru Manica

Dumitru Manica orcid0000-0002-7172-3615-studied Physics (01/10/2011 – 30/06/2015) at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi achieving a Degree in Physics Engineer.After that, he enrolled in the Master Program of Faculty of Physics at University of Bucharestand, in  2017 he completed his Master Degree with the specialization: Physics of advanced materials and nanostructures. In 01/10/2017 he was admitted in the Doctoral School at the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, specialty: Physics of Condensed Materials as a doctoral student working under the supervision of Prof. Stefan Antohe on the doctoral thesis with the title: Contributions to the study photovoltaic cells based on thin films of AIIBVI compounds for space applications that is submitted for defence in the near future. He has more than three years of work experience within the National Institute for the Physics of Lasers, Plasma and Radiation (01/03/2019 – 01/05/2022) as ACS where he contributed to the activities within projects PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0755 and PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2921. Scientific expertise:

  • Deposition of thin oxide films by laser techniques (laser evaporation assisted by a matrix, pulsed laser deposition).
  • Performing experiments to obtain nanostructures based on binary oxides and oxynitrides using laser/plasma techniques for energy and environmental applications.
  • Carrying out experiments to characterize the physico-chemical properties of nanostructures of  binary oxides and oxynitrides.
  • Writing and drafting articles and reports.
  • Characterization of thin films using Nanoindentation and UV-Vis Spectroscopy techniques.

Since 15th of September 2022, he  is  Assistant  Researcher at IMT Bucharest within the Simulation, Modelling and Computer Aided Design Laboratory. His main area of scientific activity is now micro-nanofabrication, including the design, fabrication and simulation of a MEMS and SAW devices.



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